It’s a real thing in the State of Arizona. Previously, we talked about the monsoon season and this law becomes very important during this time.
The law says that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of their rescue. The law corresponds to section 28-910 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
I thought it was a joke too! Until I lived through a Monsoon season and saw the flooding that occurs. It’s then that you realize how dangerous it can be to not obey the signs that tell you not to drive through roads that are flooded. Oh, they look harmless, and my car can go through there – no problem, right?
Until you attempt to go through what looks like a puddle and suddenly it turns into a flash flood and your car can be swept away. It only takes a few inches of water to move your whole car. Truly you never know how deep those “puddles” are until you’re in the middle!
So, when you see the “Flash Flood” warning signs and even if you don’t see signs, but you see puddles and it’s raining, think twice before you drive through. Is it worth it to take a chance or would it be easier to just back up and go a different way?
If you’d like to read the entire law, click the link below which describes the Arizona “Stupid Motorist Law” “28-910. Liability for emergency responses in flood areas; definitions”
Welcome to the monsoon season!